Neel & Agata

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Tulis completely redefined how we thought about officiating a wedding. We were originally looking for a cheap alternative to doing a City Hall wedding. But then we found her information, and decided to interview her. We did an in person interview and two rounds of questionnaires, after which we really began to understand WHY we were a good match! Who knew, that we really hadn’t dug deep to articulate why were such a good match… And the ceremony was marvelous and worked out so nicely. Our family and friends raved and raved about how personal and touching the ceremony was. One guest who had been to countless weddings said “I didn’t realize an officiant could make it feel so intimate.” And my 13 year old nephew said it best: “That is how weddings should be.” All our love and thankfulness, Neel & Agata

Location: Gramercy Tavern


Gareth & Amber


Sheri & Amanda